Throw'n down on Kickstarter with Roberto Hoyos

You have a great product idea but need some help taking it to the next level? You’re working on a crowdfunding campaign but aren’t sure how to reach your goal? Your business is getting off the ground and you need some guidance from someone that’s been in your shoes?

Meet Roberto Hoyos, product maker, crowdfunding hacker and the CEO of Throwboy - a designer throw pillow company. He helps people unlock their creative potential and make their ideas into real, tangible, successful products. Whether it’s a Kickstarter campaign or sketching out a web application, he can’t help but get excited to make something new for people.

Course: Hacking Kickstarter

Consulting: Shotgun CEO

Omari Harebin

Founder of, one of the worlds most trusted Squarespace resources. Since 2015 we’ve helped over 20,000 Squarespace users grow their businesses with custom templates, plugins and integrations.

Scale with templates, the Kate Scott way


Less hustle and more heart with Kerstin Martin