Your Blog Isn't Dead, It's Sleeping – How to Re-engage Your Audience

Content marketing remains a powerful way to boost your business profile and attract new customers. However, gaining traction can take time. Many businesses start blogging with high hopes, only to feel frustrated when results don't appear overnight. It's understandable – creating quality content takes effort, and you want to see a return on your investment!

The truth is, any content strategy requires patience to yield results. Improving website traffic and SEO rankings take time. But persistence, combined with the right strategies, is key to success. So, how can you boost content engagement and optimize your Squarespace website to help?

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Is lack of engagement a content or a traffic issue?

Let's be honest – not seeing your carefully crafted content get the attention it deserves is frustrating. Especially as a Squarespace web designer, where strong content showcases your skills. So, if your blog isn't buzzing, here's your troubleshooting checklist:

  • Is it the content? Are your posts rushed, hard to read, or not addressing the problems your ideal clients actually face? Remember, even talented designers can slip into this trap, and it hurts your credibility.

  • Am I putting enough time into content? Squarespace web design is demanding! Are you struggling to produce content consistently, or sacrificing quality due to time constraints? If so, consider outsourcing content creation to maintain your standards.

  • Am I generating enough website traffic? Even the best content needs visibility. Are you actively driving traffic to your site? You might need to reevaluate your SEO and promotion strategies.

The basic “rules” of content marketing

All good content marketing strategies start with clear goals. For Squarespace web designers, this means attracting potential clients, showcasing your expertise, and establishing yourself as an authority in your niche. Here's how those "rules" apply to you:

  • You need to define your ideal client clearly. Are you targeting small businesses, creatives, or specific industries?

  • You need to devise content topics... Think case studies demonstrating your process, tutorials on advanced Squarespace features, or comparisons of different template options.

  • You need to create "quality" content... Provide in-depth insights and actionable tips that solve common client pain points.

  • You need to produce content on a regular schedule... This demonstrates your reliability and keeps your portfolio fresh.

  • You need to promote that content... Share strategically on social media, reach out to relevant blogs, or use targeted ads.

  • You need to work on optimizing content... This means using relevant keywords, strategically linking to your services pages, and ensuring content is mobile-responsive for a great Squarespace user experience.

Turn Your Blog into a Client Magnet: Boosting Visibility and Engagement

You've crafted amazing content that showcases your design expertise. Now, let's ensure it reaches your dream clients! Here's a quick roadmap to maximize your blog's impact:

  • Optimize for Search Engines (and Humans!): We'll cover how to strategically use keywords, structure your content, and leverage Squarespace's built-in tools to make your blog posts shine in search results.

  • Proactive Promotion: Your content won't find its audience on its own. We'll discuss ways to actively get it in front of the right people, from social media to targeted outreach.

  • Spark Conversations: Engagement isn't just about likes. Learn how to encourage comments, shares, and build a community around your valuable content.

Optimizing a Squarespace blog for SEO

Go beyond basic optimization and transform your posts into client-converting assets! A strategic competitive analysis will fuel your content strategy. Here's a step-by-step approach:

  1. Dive into Search Console:

    • Access Google Search Console's "Performance" tab and filter for specific blog post URLs.

    • Analyze the keywords each post ranks for, their average positions, and click-through rates (CTR).

    • Designer Insight: Low CTRs, even with decent rankings, suggest your title or meta description could be more enticing. Focus on improving those alongside the content itself.

  2. Dissect the Top Results:

    • For your primary keywords, carefully examine the websites ranking in the top 3-5 positions. Pay close attention to:

      • Content Scope: Do they offer additional insights, case studies, or unique angles not present in your post?

      • Structure & Presentation: How do they use headings, images, lists, or other formatting to enhance readability?

      • Backlinks: Use a tool like Moz Link Explorer (free version) to see which reputable sites link to their content. This indicates authority and might reveal opportunities for you to acquire similar backlinks.

  • AI Assistance: Let Gemini generate a list of questions commonly asked related to your topic. Do the top-ranking competitors answer these better than you do?

    3. Uncover Your Edge:

    • Be ruthless in identifying where your content falls short compared to the competition.

    • Consider opportunities to go beyond the text itself:

      • Custom Visuals: Could you create original diagrams, flowcharts, or annotated screenshots that illustrate complex concepts?

      • Interactive Elements: Could you embed a simple quiz or calculator related to your topic to increase engagement?

      • Video or Audio: Can you repurpose some of your written content into a short video or podcast episode for your blog?

Designer Pro Tip: Your competitive analysis shouldn't be just about SEO! Analyze their font choices, color palettes, and overall visual presentation. Identify where your web design skills can create a superior user experience for your blog readers.

Squarespace SEO Tips for Web Designers

Titles that Work: Craft headlines that grab attention AND include a relevant keyword or phrase. Think of your ideal client's pain point. For example:

  • "5 Website Design Trends for Creatives to Boost Client Bookings in 2024"

  • "Slow Website? Design Fixes That Improve Speed and User Experience"

Image Impact: Choose visually striking images that align with your content. Name image files descriptively ("modern-web-design-example.jpg") and add clear alt text for accessibility and search engines. Remember, great design makes your content stand out!

Easy Navigation: Use Squarespace's tags, categories, and clear heading structures (H1, H2) to organize your content logically. This helps readers find what they need and signals to search engines what your content is about. Balance this with your design sensibility!

Designer-Specific Tips

  • Showcase Case Studies: Use your blog posts to highlight the SEO improvements you've made on client projects, showcasing results with before/after metrics.

  • Explain Design Choices: Share the rationale behind typography, layout, or color choices to provide value beyond standard "how-to" content.

  • Content as Portfolio Piece: Treat your blog as an extension of your portfolio. High-quality content positions you as an expert, even if the primary topic isn't web design itself.

Offering a Download

Consider creating a simple "Squarespace Designer's SEO Checklist" as a lead generation tool. Include the actionable tips above, with additional elements like:

  • Keyword research basics for designers

  • Internal linking strategies

  • Squarespace-specific resources (Support pages, etc.)

Call to Action

End this section with a compelling question or statement to prompt engagement:

  • "What are your biggest SEO struggles as a web designer? Let's discuss solutions in the comments!"

  • "Ready to transform your blog into a client-generating machine? [Link to your services or a more in-depth guide]"

Additional Resources:

Showcase Your Work, Build Your Network: Creative Content Promotion

Your content is a powerful extension of your design portfolio – let's amplify its reach and engage with your dream clients! Here's how to stand out from the crowd:

Visuals That Reflect Your Brand

  • Beyond Blog Graphics: Design a set of branded social templates (Canva is great for this) to make snippets of your content visually appealing.

  • Quote Cards: Extract powerful insights or tips from your posts and turn them into eye-catching shareable images, reflecting your design style.

  • "Behind the Design" Teasers: Create short videos or image carousels showcasing your design process on a recent project, linking to the full blog post for more depth.

Engage with Niche Communities

  • Seek Active Spaces: Focus on platforms (Subreddits, design-focused Slack communities, etc.) known for active discussion, not just passive scrolling.

  • Value Over Promotion: Contribute thoughtfully to existing conversations before sharing your own content. Establish yourself as a knowledgeable resource, not just a self-promoter.

  • Offer "Mini-Audits": Can you use your expertise to provide quick feedback on design questions within your niche? Subtly link to a relevant blog post for those wanting a deeper dive.

Power of Partnerships

  • Complementary Skills: Team up with a copywriter for a co-authored "Ultimate Website Launch Checklist". Reach both your audiences and demonstrate the full range of services you could offer collaboratively.

  • Guest Post Exchange: Pitch established blogs within your design niche on a specific topic you know their audience would value. In return, offer them the opportunity to do the same on your site.

  • Showcase Clients: With permission, turn a successful client project into a case study blog post. Tag the client, offering them valuable social proof while promoting your own work.

Data-Driven Refinement

  • Beyond Vanity Metrics: Don't just track likes – analyze which types of content and communities generate the most clicks back to your website.

  • Test & Iterate: Experiment with different promotional formats (listicles vs. video teasers) on various platforms to discover what performs best for your audience.

Pro Tip: Don't be afraid to repurpose a top-performing blog post months later with fresh visuals and a slightly different angle for promotion!

Encourage Engagement: The Power of Interaction

Getting people to your blog is only half the battle. Now, you want them to interact with your content, share it, and become a part of your community. Here's how to make that happen:

  • Make Sharing Effortless: Include prominent social share buttons on each post, making it easy for readers to spread the word on their preferred platforms. Customize which platforms are displayed based on what's relevant to your ideal clients.

  • Welcome (and Respond to) Comments: Choose a commenting system that works for you (Squarespace's built-in system, a Disqus integration, or a third-party plugin). Be sure to actively respond to comments, showing readers that you value their feedback and fostering a sense of community.

  • Ask Engaging Questions: At the end of each blog post, include a specific, open-ended question related to the topic. This prompts readers to share their own thoughts and experiences.

  • Showcase Related Content: Use Squarespace's "Related Posts" feature or a custom plugin to display links to other relevant articles on your site. This encourages visitors to explore more of your content and keeps them engaged for longer.

  • Incentivize Interaction: Consider running occasional contests or giveaways specifically for those who comment on or share your blog posts. This can boost engagement and create a sense of buzz around your content.

Pro Tip: Turn a top-performing comment into a social media graphic! Quote the commenter (with permission) and share it, tagging them to encourage further discussion


Let's say your blog post is titled "5 Website Speed Mistakes That Drive Clients Away". Here's a powerful engagement question:

"Have you ever lost a potential client due to a slow website? What steps did you take to fix the problem?"

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Final thoughts

The subject of content marketing is a big one and there are more areas we can talk about that help to boost the success of your content strategy. In the meantime, setting up these basic things well allows you to build a good base to work from.

Importantly, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate results from content. It takes a while (often a few months) to really get more traffic and engagement if you’re following a good strategy. Take a breath and be persistent!

Omari Harebin

Founder of, one of the worlds most trusted Squarespace resources. Since 2015 we’ve helped over 20,000 Squarespace users grow their businesses with custom templates, plugins and integrations.

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